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Drywall Repair – How to Deal With Cracks, Holes, and Dents

Cracks, holes, and dents in drywall can be quite common. However, it may be best to hire a professional if the cracks are significant or accompanied by other issues, such as sagging or water damage.

Oftentimes, minor damage can be fixed with a simple spackle and smoothing tool. Larger issues, such as replacing sections of drywall or addressing water damage, require a more extensive process. Contact Drywall Repair Phoenix now!

When it comes to drywall cracks, catching the problem early is essential. Cracks can signal structural problems such as foundation settlement, framing deterioration and pest infestation. They also can indicate other issues such as a lack of insulation, ventilation or water drainage. It’s best to have a professional inspect the home and assess the causes of the cracking.

Minor cracks less than 1 millimeter in width are common and not usually cause for concern. These hairline cracks appear during a house’s natural settling process or after slight changes in humidity. They can even be caused by a change in the season or a repositioning of furniture.

Wider cracks in a drywall seam are more likely to be a problem. Especially if they are diagonal, horizontal, or above a door frame. This type of crack could signify a shift in a home’s foundation, stress on structural supports or foundation settlement and are better left unpatched until a professional can evaluate and repair the underlying issues.

Drywall is a very durable material, but it can still be affected by moisture from leaks in roofs or basements, condensation from poor ventilation and water damage from wood-destroying pests. Moisture in walls can lead to drywall damage and create cracks. These cracks may show up as yellowing or browning of the drywall, but they can also be visible from the inside of the house and are often accompanied by mold growth or rotting wood framing.

Cracks caused by moisture in a drywall are not always easy to spot, but they are a big problem and should be repaired right away. A professional can repair the underlying issue and seal the drywall to protect against future moisture problems.

Small hairline cracks are usually a result of the house settling and are typically a cosmetic issue only. However, large cracks are not something that you can ignore and need to be addressed immediately. Besides structural damage, cracks can also cause other problems, such as sticking doors or windows and nail pops. Having a professional perform a thorough inspection and correct the root causes of the cracking will prevent it from getting worse.


Small holes in drywall occur for all sorts of reasons. Hanging something on a wall and forgetting to screw it in or hanging a picture and accidentally poking a nail into the wall are some common culprits. Larger holes often require more support than a simple drywall patch can provide and are better left to a professional.

It’s important to remember that holes in drywall can also signal deeper problems with your home’s structure. For example, if you notice hairline cracks that seem to come and go, these are usually a sign of water damage that needs to be addressed quickly. These cracks aren’t just unsightly, but they can cause mold and rot, and could indicate structural issues in your home.

To repair a hole in drywall, first make sure the surface is smooth. If the edges of the hole are rough, then you will need to sand or scrape it so that the adhesive on the patch can stick to it. Next, apply a thin layer of joint compound over the entire area. After it dries, then lightly sand it again for a smooth finish.

Once the drywall patch is in place, it’s time to paint. It’s important to choose a primer that will match the color of your walls so that it won’t stand out. If you don’t want to do a full repainting, then you can touch up the patched area with some matching paint.

Before painting, however, it’s a good idea to use a piece of drywall tape to cover the edges of the patch. This will help reduce shifting and moisture issues in the future.

For larger holes, it may be necessary to replace the entire sheet of drywall. This is especially true if you are in an older home or if the hole appears in a visible location on your wall. A professional can determine whether or not your drywall is salvageable and replace it if needed. However, replacing a sheet of drywall can be much more expensive than simply repairing it. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.


Small nicks and dents that don’t penetrate through the drywall paper or gypsum are easy to fix using a bit of drywall mud or spackle. If the damage is widespread, consider placing a mesh or adhesive patch over it to add strength and prevent further dents. To make your repair, use a putty knife to scoop up a little drywall compound and apply it to the dent or nick. Smooth out the compound and feather the edges so that it blends with the surrounding wall. Allow the compound to dry according to its manufacturer’s instructions. Then, lightly sand the repaired area using fine-grit sandpaper. Once you’ve sanded the patch, wipe away any dust with a damp cloth.

To keep your walls looking fresh, you’ll also want to touch up the paint – especially if it’s an old coat that doesn’t match the new patch well. It’s important to properly prime the patched area before repainting, especially if you’re choosing a semi-gloss or higher finish. It’s a good idea to take a sliver of the chipped paint to a hardware store and have them match the color precisely so that you can be confident your repair will look natural when the job is done.

While it’s certainly possible to tackle drywall repairs on your own, it’s important to be aware that complex or extensive damage may require professional help. Handyman Connection can offer affordable drywall repair in Kelowna, helping you keep your home safe and beautiful.

When in doubt, it’s best to leave drywall repair and installation projects to professionals. This way, you can rest assured that your repairs will be done correctly and that your home is in top condition. For more information on our services, contact us today!

Water Damage

Water damage is often a sign of a serious issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Leaky pipes, clogged gutters, and faulty roof seals can all lead to water leaks that seep into walls over time. These leaks can also cause structural damage to the underlying structure of your home or apartment. Water damage is also a common result of floods, natural disasters, and sewage backups.

Water-damaged drywall typically looks darker than the rest of your wall and may contain stains. These stains are most commonly yellow or brown in appearance, and they usually appear around the edges of the affected area. You should never ignore drywall with visible water damage as it is often a sign of an ongoing problem that can eventually lead to mold growth, rotting, and other major problems.

When repairing drywall that is damaged by water, it is important to assess the severity of the damage and determine whether or not the drywall can be saved. If the drywall is still structurally sound, it may be possible to repair the water damage by removing the affected section, allowing it to dry completely, and replacing it with new drywall. However, if the drywall has lost its integrity or the underlying insulation has become saturated, it will likely need to be removed and replaced.

Once the drywall is repaired, it will need to be painted. It is important to use a primer that is suitable for drywall, and it is usually best to repaint the entire wall after the repair is complete. Small blemishes like nail holes and minor cracks can be covered with a dab of paint that matches the color of the surrounding wall, but larger areas will need to be touched up or repainted entirely.

Drywall is a staple in modern homes, but it can be damaged by accidents, damage from animals or children, and other issues that arise in the course of regular use. Damaged drywall can be easily repaired with the right tools and preparation, but extensive damage or a large hole will require the services of a professional drywall contractor.